From the battlefield to the boardroom

Tested and proven by elite performers such as UFC fighters and Navy seals, Breathwork is now being used in organisations such as Google and BCG to enhance the emotional wellbeing and mental performance of their people.
Your breath is the master controller of the automatic systems in your body that dictate the state you are in. Within 3 minutes of using scientifically-proven breath practices, you can change your physiology to:
- Reduce stress on demand
- Create energy (no coffee required!)
- Enhance focus and improve problem solving
- Tame anxiety in those moments of need
- Help to tap into your intuition to make better decisions
Richie’s workshops are designed to empower individuals with the scientific understanding of how your breathing effects you and the most effective and efficient techniques that can be done anywhere, anytime.
blow your clients away

Whether its a press, client or public facing event, a guided Breathwork experience provides a unique and unforgettable moment that will enhance the experience of any event.
Performed seated or lying down, simply relax and let the music take you as Richie guides you through a sequence of breathing flows that will your participants totally feeling present, clear-minded and totally blissed out.